Uncovering the Hidden Curriculum for Successful Scholarly Publishing

The Hidden Curriculum refers to messages, rules, and expectations not explicitly taught but which must be learned in order to succeed. The phrase is most commonly used in relation to students and social interactions, but it also applies to graduate students and new faculty, especially as regards scholarly publishing. Succeeding as academic faculty requires understanding and navigating the scholarly publishing landscape, and doing so within the short timeline of a tenure process.

I offer workshops and consulting services to individuals as well as groups and organizations (Faculty Success Centers, departments, colleges, universities, writing groups, and graduate schools) on publishing processes, designed to uncover this Hidden Curriculum and support faculty as they journey toward tenure.

My workshops are designed to reveal the Hidden Curriculum of publishing: the skills, approaches, and topics about publishing we wish were taught in grad school, but which rarely are. Supporting faculty in navigating these essential topics supports retention and job satisfaction, and helps move faculty successfully toward tenure.

Timelines and Pipelines (1 hour or 3 hours)
Writing an Effective Scholarly Book Proposal (1 hour or 90 minutes)
Revising your Dissertation for Scholarly Publication (90 minutes or 3 hours)
Identifying Potential Publishers (1 hour or 90 minutes)
Conscientious Citation Practices
Navigating and Responding to Reader Reviews (90 minutes)
Being a Generous Reviewer (90 minutes)

I also offer a four-day dissertation boot camp for graduate students starting their dissertations, which covers many of these topics as well as ones specific to the dissertation-writing process.

Please be in touch if you want to discuss scheduling a one-on-one session, or a one-, two-, or three-day workshop series